Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tooth inflammation in another Nation !!!

Since I began my work in barefoot doctoring I have come across
many interesting situations and lately they seem to be gaining in frequency.

I wrote, “American Barefoot Doctors Manual while still practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine and it seemed like a pretty good little acute care primer. Anyway, I’m not practicing much any more and still the situations keep on coming. This latest episode comes straight to you from Xalapa, Mexico where I’m here celebrating my good friends wedding and bringing in the Mayan calendar’s end.

First I should say that if you have any form of prolonged inflammation you should get help from your doctor whether dentist or internist, etc. but IF THERE IS NO DOCTOR…..
While in Mexico one of our friends got a pretty severe tooth ache and within a few hours of eating a meal was in full blown pain. This pain wasn’t budging with any of the over-the-counter medication and they consented to a little “barefoot doctoring”.
I always carry Oregano pills and Morinda (noni roots) along with Chinese Yin Chiao and Gan Mao Ling when I travel for any food poisoning or bacterial, viral or fungal issues.

I suggested that we start with a few of the Oregano and Morinda then 20 minutes later with the Chinese herbs. Along with these we did “surrounding the dragon” around the ear, jaw and above the painful area. Within a few hours the pain and inflammation moved into a large boil which center in the upper palate next to the main infected tooth. We keep doing the same treatment needling on and off for 6 hours.

Throughout the next day the pain was less and less intense and half-way through the second day the pain was gone.
I suggested that an appointment be made with the dentist to discover what degree of decay there might be and whether any further treatment was necessary.

Accem Scott
828 280-7287

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Hit Medicine"
 My torn MCL ligament"
By Accem J Scott 

 How to heal a Medial Collateral Ligament tear with rapid healing techniques. My MCL ligament was completely torn. A difficult martial arts injury landed me in a leg brace with an appointment for an MRI. Dr. Allen over at Blue Ridge Bone & Joint said that typically this type of tear (level 3) requires surgery and or 3 plus months of recovery, its a main field injury in football. I needed a second opinion so I went to my favorite holistic M.D., Dr. John Kelly. Dr. Kelly quickly reminded me that when athletes get the surgery they are known to have repeated episodes throughout their careers. I started self administered acupuncture directly after the injury with a "hit medicine" technique called, "surrounding the dragon". In this technique you surround the area of pain with 1" needles. Immediately the pain was reduced. In fact it felt great, so great in fact that I re- injured the knee not knowing the existent of the original injury. In seeing the MRI and tear Dr. Kelly's suggestions were to continue doing the acupuncture technique and add 1,000 mg of vitamin C, glucosamine and MSM. I was assured that my healing would be rapid and stronger than the surgical method. After 3 weeks of the above strategy I am well on the way to a full "healing". 

In my book, American Barefoot Doctor's Manual, I cover my own "rapid" healing protocol for injuries which includes: acupuncture, qigong, homeopathy, Chinese patent medicine & cell salts. I used this formula to rapid heal a broken collar bone. (another sports injury)
I look forward to increasing the healing speed and effectiveness with the addition of this new protocol from Dr. Kelly.

Homeopathy: arnica montana 200C
*** It's good to do some type of emotional with techniques like
Reiki, Emotional Code or EFT

For more information about my work "google me"  and for a free copy of my book email or call.

Accem Scott, ND
828 280-7287

Dr. Kelly can be found at
Swananoa Medical Center in
Swananoa, N.C

Web Site: American Barefoot Doctor

Monday, September 3, 2012


I have been plagued with arthritis from time to time since I was 25 years old. At 25 my mom said the words, “Oh…you’re getting Arthur early!” I said who’s Arthur to which she informed me, “Arthur is what your grand mom and I have been dealing with for years.” That statement and my experience with early arthritis sent me on a healing journey that completely changed my life. 

I met a old Japanese women (Eiko) in Philadelphia who did a series of treatments she called, “Finger-water technique”. It was partly colonic and partly a finger-acupressure treatment done with her fingers dipped in burning hot water then applied to specific areas of the body. When I left Eiko not only did I not feel any arthritis pain but I felt completely renewed, clean. I dedicated my life to keeping up a practice of cleansing each and every year from that time onward. In fact as I moved through my training in Naturopathy, herbal medicine and acupuncture my few unchanging practices have been fasting, colonics and internal cleaning herbs. I only experience arthritis pain when I have laid aside my practices for one reason or another. 

2011-2012 brought much change into my life an along with that change I set aside those practices I had diligently adhered to for so many years. The result! In the summer of 2012 I began to get pain in my fingers and the bottoms of my feet. This pain continued to expand until my knees and lower back were aching as well. I had no choice but to go back to the system that seemed to always work for me. On top of everything else many negative emotions were present, and believe it or not they were issues from unresolved incidents of my past. I was in trouble physically and emotionally and I needed help. 

My first course of action was to do an I-Ching reading (see link below). The reading I got was, “RETURN” I knew what I needed to do, I needed to return to the practices I had abandoned. The number one thing that started my drastic turn around was good “water”, Cayenne pepper, lemons and maple syrup. The water was Kangen water, the cayenne was 90,000 BTU’s. the lemons were organic and the maple syrup was grade A. Within 2 weeks I was cleared of any pain in my joints and feeling great. I continued to experience residual trapped emotions during this time to which I applied all the techniques of energy medicine I could think of. 

The following are what pushed me through that difficult period: Qigong, Reiki, EFT, Emotional Code, and Chinese Energetic Medicine. Clearing the trapped negative emotions is what helps any form of healing unfold completely. With all this subtle energy manipulation you would think that I would never get my channels blocked. Oh Contraire! I apparently am subject to as many energy blockages as my neighbor. The difference maybe is that I recognize when I’m completely in a dark pit of negative energy faster than those without that knowledge. Big deal….I’m still stuck! This is why Energy clearing is Necessary! 

Cayenne Pepper Information
Chinese Energetic Medicine
Emotion Code
Spagyric Herbs

My name is Accem Scott. 
I wrote the book American Barefoot Doctors Manual, which chronicles my journey through the healing world both here in the US in other countries. I do believe that the healing process requires a combination of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual methods and practices to truly come into alignment. 

I work with: Physical- Massage, bodywork and Pa Kua 
Emotional and mental- I am a EFT practitioner, Chinese Energetic Medicine certified practitioner, Reiki Master, Emotional Code practitioner, Qigong and Pa Kua Instructor. 
Spiritual- Prayer, meditation, visualization, Qigong 
Integrative- Acupuncture, Homeopathy, I-Ching, Spagyric herbs and Astrology. I work with people local and at a distance. 

My treatments are $150 for the first session (includes research and preparation and treatment)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My system of Barefoot Doctoring comes from my experience out in the field. I have training in Chinese, Western, Native American and my natal cultural approach to healing. I am a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and body movement therapist. Much of what I believe about the mind, body, emotions and spirit are contained in my book, "American Barefoot Doctor's Manual". This video cover the basics of my system and what it contains. If you have questions about my work or have a need for a workshop, speaker or consultant give my a call/email. Accemscott@hotmail.com 822280-7287

For Consultation with Accem Scott Introductory rate $50.00

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Naturopathy: Conscious Way to Whole Health by Accem Scott, ND with co-writer Mimi Sandeen

Becoming a Doctor of Naturopathy was for me a very personal journey of self-discovery – one that grew into a practice of holistic healing using a variety of mutually supportive and creative techniques. In my personal and professional life I have been exploring options that, like Naturopathy, are rooted in an on-going tradition of healing through natural treatments and well-balanced living. These practices can be found in different times and places, including traditional Chinese, Tibetan and herbal folk medicine, midwifery and the barefoot doctors of 20th century China. Naturopathy itself appeared in 19th century Europe as 'The Nature Cure'. Of the important names from that era, such as Priessnitz, Hahn, and Rikli, one that particularly stands out is Father Sebastian Kneipp (1824-1897). Father Kneipp believed in "the balance between work and leisure, stress and relaxation and the harmony between the mental, emotional, physical social, and ecological planes." He "asked for the active patient and rejected the passive one" – words that sum up Naturopathy as well as any I've read.[1] Kneipp's influence travelled to the United States through Benedict Lust (1872-1945) and Henry Lindlahr (1862-1924). After curing these men of then-fatal diseases – Lust of tuberculosis and Lindlahr of diabetes – he taught each of them the nature cure. They in turn became enthusiastic and influential American practitioners. Although each of these (and other) Naturopaths worked with specific modalities, such as the 'water cure', diet and nutrition, healthy lifestyle etc., all their approaches were tied to the same idea of non-invasive, natural, holistic, patient-involved healing. My Personal Path My own practice in Naturopathy evolved out of a varied background that started in Western medicine – a biology degree, first year medical school, emergency medical training, work as a surgical technician in a city hospital in Michigan. These were grounded traditional experiences, yet they did not speak to a growing concern I had about healing as a practice. What I consistently felt missing though, was an approach to the patient as a whole person, in ways that were less traumatic, were more humanistic and had practical results. Those answers came for me through dealing with personal health problems. I had been a vegetarian for several years and fasted regularly along with a nutritional programme. I also worked out regularly in martial arts. Yet my body would be wracked with the pain of familial rheumatoid arthritis. Then my massage therapist, an older Japanese woman named Eiko, administered my first 'colonic' – which was a revolutionary experience. This deep internal cleansing changed my whole world view. Not only did my body and mind feel remarkably better, I now had a baseline of how it feels to be truly empty, which is a way to measure any other degree of condition. Eiko then introduced me to acupuncture, which relieved my arthritis. With her encouragement, I became an acupuncturist, at first working on myself, then traveling to China to learn it in depth. Discovering A New Perspective In China I was introduced to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), including patent medicines, herbology and meridian work. I was also treated via TCM for chronic digestive difficulties that had resisted my more traditional diet adjustments. In what's called a moxa burn, the herb mugwort was literally burned on the skin over my ankle at Spleen 6, the meridian involved in the imbalance.

To see complete article....

Full Naturopathic work-up and treatment (Internet special) $200

The Chinese Energetic Method: Conscious Healing, Conscious Living by Accem Scott, ND with co-writer Mimi Sandeen

As a practitioner of energy therapies for over 15 years, I've worked with many approaches, including Reiki, kinesiology, homeopathy, acupuncture, therapeutic movement, bodywork, flower essences, light and sound therapy, etc. However, the Chinese Energetic Method (CEM) is unique in that it has provided me with a way to understand how all of these therapies are, in fact, working with consciousness. Using CEM gives us a way both to describe where energy is in or out of balance, and also to change that energy with conscious awareness. But comprehending how CEM works requires first knowing its roots - where it comes from.

The Origins of CEM

CEM's revolutionary quality in the realm of energy medicine lies in its bringing together both Eastern practices and Western thinking into a creative synthesis. It grows out of several concepts and disciplines, all brought together originally by Dr Kam Yuen as an approach he calls Yuen Energetics. To get to CEM, we need first to journey through medical chi gong, kinesiology and quantum theory, as well as Dr Yuen's own background. Then, referring to his work as the technique, we can continue on to the practice as it is being performed by myself and others today.

Chi Gong and the Chinese Meridian System

A place to start is medical chi gong, which is based on the Chinese meridian System. Of the 12 meridians identified in this concept of energy movement within the body, the most important is the primary circuit, also known as the microcosmic orbit. This circuit is an energy channel that goes down the front of the body and all the way up the back. A distinct and major channel within this energetic orbit is the governing vessel, which is the back part of the circuit, including the spinal cord and spinal column, going all the way up to the top of the head. Besides the vertebral column, it includes the nerves running out from the spinal cord to the organs, and this is considered the 'whole brain' in the meridian system.

To see complete article.....

For Consultation with Accem Scott Introductory rate $50.00

Addicted to Sugar - advice to a client By Accem J Scott

This article began as a dialog about sugar and diabetes and how to think about it. I agreed that most people have little knowledge about what diabetes is and how they can turn it around with knowledge and a few practices.
                                                                   by Accem Scott, ND

 Before I take a step back as your health coach on this matter of diabetes I would like to give you my take on the condition from a slightly different perspective than you may have heard it before. My personal experience with diabetes has been a pre-diabetic condition that I feel significantly added to a number of health issues I struggled with: Loss of 4 permanent teeth (my increased sugar intake) Gallstones (removed them herbally 4 times before I began to voluntarily reduce sugar) High blood pressure and high cholesterol. Its only after I tracked down my symptoms to my sweet tooth that I began to research how I could turn it around. I had hoped to share with you many of the benefits I personally have experienced from just a few significant practices along with herbs, diet and exercise. It is my firm belief that sugar regulation within the body is responsible for a large part of the health we enjoy or not in this country. (since we are some of the biggest sugar consumers in the world). Great research has been done on the correlation between our sugar laden diets (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) as well as other carbohydrates and the disease process. In many cases the genetic factor comes down to common foods in the family diet practiced and passed down over generations.

 To see the complete article

Thursday, August 2, 2012

In mid twentieth century China, during the time of the Cultural Revolution, there was a great need for medical treatment and a severe shortage of medical practitioners, especially in the countryside. To remedy this situation, workers and farmers were trained in the prevention and treatment of disease. These people were known as Barefoot Doctors. The American Barefoot Doctor's Manual was created in the spirit of these original barefoot doctors. Strategies for using Chinese Patent Medicines, LM Homeopathics, and Flower Essences are found throughout the manual. Also included in this work is an integrated form of movement therapy which opens and increases the energetics through all 14 meridians. For a limited time I will provide 1/2 hour session of Chinese Energetic Method with each purchase.

Buy this book from:

Consultation: First time without book purchase

Accem Scott
828 280-7287

Weight - loss slow and easy

Not everybody will get out an do something physical to start the process of breaking old habits, but if they could just take that one step they would see miracles. I personally have been on the large side during a few periods of my life (15yrs and 40yrs). At one point it was about early dietary habits and at the other it was about depression. Both times I found the will to take that one step towards better health and then other steps were taken towards me. To have a coach means all the difference in the world and I have been blessed with many good coaches. I have a business coach, a health coach and a life coach at different times in my life and so should you. For my free consultation call: 828 280-7287 accemscott@hotmail.com

Seniors making their moves and feeling great!

I was flattered by the request to keynote this conference. I imagine that someone thought that I must be aging pretty gracefully. I enjoyed this energetic group of people who opened their arms to me and said, "teach us what you know sunny....and I did". Since this event I have led open air events with seniors in many places across Western North Carolin. For more information: 828 280-7287

Seniors working out!! from accem scott on Vimeo.

American Barefoot Doctor's Manual 828 280-7287

An introduction to My book, American Barefoot Doctor's Manual
My practice is a statement about life. When I work with people, it all comes down to how you feel about your life. Do you feel satisfied? Are you happy with the skin you're in? These questions form the basis of a quest that I believe we all are on. Within this journey for satisfaction and fulfillment, I act as both a participant and facilitator. My background includes study in Asian, Indian, & African modalities of healing.

Conscious Movement Asheville from accem scott on Vimeo.